Thursday, March 28, 2013

Why I'm not giving up.

So I've been having some not good eating days, and today was one of them.
I also then follow up with beating myself up about my eating.
Eating clean is very important for a healthy lifestyle, but as I said in my eating clean post, it is just as important to modify your diet SLOWLY!! The slower the better. You've got to give your body some time to adjust to the changes.
I read a post on facebook that said that your diet is more important than anything else. If you can't do both diet and exercise then give up on exercise and focus on your diet.
I disagree. I don't want to slow down or make my metabolism sluggish. Therefore I will persevere. I'm going to have a bad eating day. My goal is to just have LESS of them each week. To succeed is to fail over and over and over again and then FINALLY find the way to get it right.
So I feel like on my days I've over eaten or chosen an unhealthy choice, that I'm still going forward in a positive manner.
Today I ate a cupcake, a chocolate chip cookie, & 3 peanut butter cookies. Each was a full serving, but they totaled a whopping 800 calories. Yup DISGUSTING for me that would be 2 hours of workouts to burn that off.
However everything else was on target, in my calorie goal, clean, and healthy.
I also drank my goal in water and am still drinking another bottle right now.
I did an exceptional workout and lifted very heavy weights (and I felt so strong doing it).
So should I give up?
I need to keep going. Tomorrow I will remember the FB comment about giving up and I'll remember why I don't. Some day I'll have it all wrapped up in a nice pretty package full of abs and bulging arm muscles.
Right now, I'll accept who I am and realize that not every battle is won some of them are just fought hard and the end result will come later.
Until tomorrow, just do your best and good luck!

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