Sunday, March 24, 2013

Fit and Fab

How can I say fit and fab. Isn't that what someone would say when they REACH their goal? NO!!
How you talk to yourself during your journey is what sets you up to win or to fail.
I may not be as fit as you or as fit as some awesome model, ect, but I am more fit than I was yesterday, stronger than I was 6 months ago and continuing to advance in that area. And fabulous, what can I say about that.... I feel fabulous because I find myself to be an important person. Maybe not to you, or the world, but I am to me.

I started this journey based on what God was telling me. Yep, God spoke and I listened. What did he say you wonder..."Your a GLUTTON." I remember the moment very clearly today. I was sitting at the table after my husband and the kids had left after dinner and I was finishing what was on the plates so as not to "waste" it. Well it was going straight to my waist! So it was wasted anyway LOL
I thought about what god was saying as I spooned another serving of Mac n cheese into my mouth and I though, "I can't do this, I'm not strong enough, I don't have a very supportive family." Ect. The excuses went on and on.
Now I can't say I've always done a great job since that day, but I have improved and will continue to improve.
The most important part of any diet and exercise is your inner monologue.
You will NOT succeed if you tell yourself that you can't. The fact of the matter is YOU CAN. You are worth it and no one else is going to want it for you, YOU have to want it for yourself.
Meet your needs. Start small. 30 minutes a day. Go for a walk, stop eating after 7pm.
A single small change at a time is what it takes. You do one change this week. Get it going enjoy it and then next week you keep that one up and add another. You don't have to go gung ho and know all of the macro nutrients of your diet, workout for 2 hours in a day or be able to run a mile in 8 minutes. Those are things that come (some of them anyway) as you proceed.

I've also learned that not every diet fad or fitness regimine is right for me. Be willing to try new things you never know what your going to like or how its going to affect your mood.
First step get up and try something new!

Tell me what you try, I'd love your feedback!

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