Sunday, March 24, 2013

I am a blogger

Yes. Its time. I've blogged over the years about the farm, my refashes, my career as a teacher, and my fitness. Each blog only gets a small snippet of my time because my focus switches.
Well why not a blog that journals ME. Not snippets but ALL of me. My Daily FitandFab on FB focusses mainly on the ME in the health and fitness rhelm, but focuses on who I am BECOMING. This blog will cover that as well and MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE!

I am excited to include my fitness, healthy living on the farm, refashions, and teaching in one spot. Each of these make up who I am. Each area, being non specific will not out weigh the other because they are all me.

Will you like my posts? I will honestly point out that I'm a major fitness nut and most of my posts will be about that. If your not into that, then I can't promise you'll like it.
But I hope you do :)

If you want to follow souly fitness related posts then please follow me @ This is my entirely fitness related page on FB. Now as for the others I've closed all of those blogs. They'll all be here. In the summers when my garden is at its best I know my healthy foods and recipes will be as well.
If you want to hear more about a specific area, please email me @ Thank you everyone for reviewing my blog!!

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