Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Why I lift weights!

So I am very new at lifting weights. When I first started it wasn't anything I enjoyed or wanted to do. I did it because someone TOLD me to do it. Someone said you'll never lose all of the inches you want to lose if you don't lift weights.

I've always focused really heavily on the scale and after a year of struggling to lose 10 pounds I decided it was time to lift weights. AND you know what, I LOOOVE them. I'm not losing weight (yet) but I am dropping inches. I went from a 10-12 to an 8-10 depending on brands. I'm wearing more 8s than 10s and have been able to buy smalls!! SOOO super excited.

Thats a big deal!! Now eating right and getting your heart rate up are very important, but lifting weights a few days a week has been a huge motivator for me.
I started with kettlebells and after about 2 weeks, I fell in love with weight lifting.
I soon picked a weight lifting workout routine and have been following it for about 3 weeks, yup only 3 weeks.
Here are the weights I have on hand!
I love my weights!!
I love being able to lift different sizes for different workouts. I lift only what is on the rack now. Everything else I use as "warm-up" weights. They help get the muscles warm and then I lift heavier sets.
There are many schools of thought on lifting.
I do 10-12 reps of each workout at the heaviest weight I can handle. If I can't do a full 10 then they are too heavy. If I can make it to 12 I try to go up a weight. Sometimes I have to use two different sizes and run through the same routine twice.
It doesn't matter as long as you're doing your best.
I'm excited about these workouts and CAN'T wait to see the results of my hard work.
I'll keep you posted as well :)

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