Monday, March 25, 2013

Q & A: What does it mean to eat clean?

What does it mean to eat clean?
   Good question. It seems to be defined differently from person to person. I take it to mean fresh or has a mother. Meaning you can grow it in one way shape or form. Fruits, vegetables, beef, chicken, pork, ect.
Now others break this down into another category as well. This being "organic" or without all of those long worded ingredients added to it.
How do I get around all of that? I live on a farm. We grow our own beef and chicken. Therefore we have fresh eggs. We also produce a great garden and at times have rabbit, duck, goat, and pig.
I had a successful garden last year, but I didn't learn how to can. This summer I plan to learn how to can.
So what have I done during the winter months? Shop at my local grocer. (and buy from a local amish green house yum!)
So at the store I am not so good at numbers and I know that different chemicals have been used, but I buy it anyway. Reason being, it is an improvement from my OLD self and I will eat what I can possibly eat healthily.
Before I shop I will look up what fruits and veggies are in season. I normally google it or look at one of my favorite blogs (one of those is Eve was partially right).
Then I make a list using my store's flyer.
I try to buy FRESH if at all possible. If not I buy frozen or dried. YEP dried. Its more expensive that way, but at least I have what I need.
Now I don't like eating the same foods over and over so I kinda make a list of meals I want to cook. AND then I'll add a few "bonus" meals for if we have company and I need to make something special.
I like to spend around $70.00 but don't forget I grow my own beef & chicken constantly. :)

This week's grocery list contains
spaghetti squash
sweet potatoes
green pepper
Mrs. Dash Original
velveeta shred's original shredded cheese
greek yogurt
frozen strawberries
frozen blueberries
bag of pinto beans
bag of black beans
box of chicken broth
Hodges Mill Oat flour
Fat Free Skim Milk
And I know I'll add a few things as I think of them.
I eat "clean" about 80% of the time. What this means is my GOAL is to eat clean and when I am "out" with friends I will enjoy my time with them and not stress it. I'll have a soda every now and then and sometimes I want to have a cookie. Its ok.
Just do your best.
If you eat frozen pizza's and boxed dinners eating clean 1 meal a day is a HUGE improvement.
It takes baby steps to succeed. Don't throw your entire way of life out the window all at once. That all or nothing mentality WILL cause it to back fire. By doing one thing at a time you begin to create habits and soon you are full of energy, have a fast metabolism, ect.
Good luck!
If you have a question you can email it to OR you can check out my facebook page @

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