Friday, April 12, 2013

Nothing to it, BUT TO DO IT!!

So this is a saying you'll see a lot in the fitness world and you know what, ITS TRUE.
If your too tired, to busy, to overweight, ect. Whatever your excuse is, there is still no reason NOT to do what you planned to do.
Sometimes I am so tired and just can't eek out a rep and I force myself to TRY! When you TRY you WIN.
Trying is just as important as doing. It takes trying, failing, winning, and earning in workouts and fitness for you to get the journey. I'm not a great guru and I seriously struggle just like you, but I keep on trying.
I know that there is nothing to it if I DON"T do it so I tell myself positively TO DO IT!
Be confident and happy with yourself. Love who you are now so when you get to goal and maintenance you know who you want to be :)
For me it is no longer a set number on the scale or a set jean size, it is about how I FEEL.
I want to feel strong. I want to know I can run 5ks, 10ks what evers and ENJOY it. I want to know I can do any high intensity workout with the ferver of the women in the videos. Those are my goals. I don't want to look like some certain person or have people look at me like I'm super model awesome, those are FAILURE goals.
Set a WINNER's goal. Choose a goal that you have already had once before and reach that. Then set another and another. Soon you've met goals that you already knew you could reach and then go for the gold. Set a goal that someone you KNOW has reached. Like a friend of mine ran a 5k (same one I did last year~it was my first ever) and she ran it in 29minutes. So this year I have two 5ks that I know 100% I am going to run. I have set a goal of 30 minutes for the first one and 28 minutes for the 2nd one. I weigh roughly the same, but my ideals are different. I don't think I can do it, I KNOW I can do it.
Now it's your turn!!!!

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