Sunday, July 7, 2013

Proving myself WRONG.....Accepting it......And moving on to focus on my Priorities!!

P90X Week 3 should start today. Here's the deal. I HATE IT! Why? I don't like the yoga the most. I hate the fact that I feel weak on the lifting days and I hate it more that I can't finish the ab ripper workout. Is it just too hard? Yes. I am physically not capable of finishing. Now if I modify I can do MOST but still not all. And more importantly I'm not having a good time which means I am more negative about it and not willing to plug it in. In fact this week I just didn't discuss it on my FB page at all. Why? Because if I post something negative I lose likes in droves. I don't want to lose my "friends" they keep me going. So What should I do? I really want to finish something I start....Yep. I really do, but its more important I ENJOY what I'm doing.
Keep in mind folks. This workout is for ME not to encourage others, but to help ME and if I'm negative about it, I can't help me AND I can't encourage others.
So what should I do?
The first time I ever dieted and exercised I used Weight Watchers for the food portion and I did Taebo and used my elliptical DAILY, but I also had a normal flow with my work schedule and personal time. NOW I don't have a set time of day I can workout. I am preparing MORE meals with my family and I am on the go a TON more with my kids.
They are important. Their lifestyle is more at the forefront right now because they are 12 & 16. My time with them is now limited but they need me MORE than ever right now.

My husband changed jobs last week. He has another week or two on training before he goes to his own shift. We know it won't be days. He'll either work evenings or he'll work nights. I return to my classroom full time in just under a month and My son will be going to another town for school and spending more nights away from home (at my gma's) during the school year. This month while my schedule is "in limbo" I think I'm going to relax. ENJOY my kids and husband, workout when I can, and choose the "better" options. No set workouts, no set schedules, nothing. By the time school starts I'll have a set schedule. I'll know where I'm going, I'll be able to be more excited about my life, and I PLAN to workout daily. So knowing where I'm going says don't fail now. Even though I plan to relax, I still plan to run. I'm training for a 5k in 3 weeks. So that will still happen. I just may not plug a video in daily as well. I may be out the door and play tennis, or go for a run, or go for a swim, or go to a theme park and walk from one end to the other repeatedly. ect.

See what I'm saying. My life is already busy. The stress of trying to throw in a workout I really am not enjoying isn't working. I am taking out P90X I cannot finish it (for the 4th try LOL) but I'll box it up and save it for when I am able to. Some day I may not hate it because I will have built up my muscles, resistance levels, fitness levels, ect to do so. But right now isn't that time. Right now it is time to focus on my family, meet their needs, and enjoy my workouts.
I'll keep you posted on what I am doing daily on Facebook and I'll probably post a few things on here as well. You will definitely see my 5k, you might see a refash I'm in the process with, and you will more than likely enjoy seeing more of my classroom and work schedule.
If I've failed you, I'm sorry. I didn't fail myself I just came to the realization that I'm not superwoman and I am putting my priorities into check.
Thank you for your understanding!!

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