Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 2 P90X Cardio X

Today I did Cardio X
The burn wasn't great on my Polar FT4, but you know what I feel like I got a great workout.
I was a little slow at getting started today. Last night my stomach muscles were sore then this morning I woke up with a Charlie horse. Cardio X has a short warm-up then it does a little bit of everything all rolled up into one 40ish minute workout. So you do yoga, kenpo, plyometrics, you name it. I like this one because of that. You go straight through and into your cool down. There is no "bonus" for you to decide to do or not (which I actually liked because it forces you to go through the whole workout and not wuss out on) While doing part of the yoga though, My left arm had a pain in it. I know it was just a muscle but odd. I wasn't doing anything that would cause it to hurt. It is just not used enough.
I took pictures after, but forgot to upload them so I'll show them with tomorrows post. I pretty much lazied around today and cleaned house. I rearranged my workout area and tested out the kids new video game.
This evening I did a one mile fun walk with my husband. It was nice. I need to get back to my running app, but right now I can feel every muscle in my body (hence P90X is waking them up!!)
Well that is day 2.
Talk to you more tomorrow :)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Can I do P90X to the end?

I LOOOVE Beach Body workouts, but I have never finished a single one I've tried. I've got slim in 6 (LOVE), P90X(LIKE), Chalean Extreme(LOVE), and Turbo Fire (LOVE). I've tried them all many times and get about a month into them when life takes a turn and I fall of the wagon for a week or two (or like this last one 8 weeks) then try again. Well I'm going to give it another shot. Do I think I can finish P90X Lean? YES. What is different this time than last summer when I tried it? 1) I have more followers and their encouragement and support has already helped me make the decision that I am ready to give it a shot. 2) My want to is different. I don't want to do it to lose weight, I want to do it to firm up so I can run faster in my next 5K. I also want it to feel strong again. 3). I'm going to blog about it!

So here goes:
Day 1 of Lean P90X~~~Core Synergistics~~~

Today started out with a 6 minute cool down before moving into the workout.
Then we moved into Stack Foot/Stagger Hands Push ups. I did 20 of these 5 on one side, 5 on the other, repeat. My arms were killing me, but guess what I DID 20!!
Next we did Banana Rolls. I'm not a strong sort so my legs are too high and I don't feel I get my upper body off the ground but for a first workout, I stayed with it all the way. I know I'll improve on this one!
The Leaning Crescent Lunge was a nice one. I used 5 pound weights. I have others but for a first time through I wanted (and will continue for a few workouts) to feel the workouts and get the form right before moving into lifting a lot.
Squat Run: again 5 pound weights. I focused on tightening my middle and swinging my arms. I feel good about this one!
Sphinx Push-Ups. He tells you that it is easier if your arms are just a bit farther up so your elbows are lined up with your shoulders. I could only do 5. I will improve but this is definitely a weak area for me.
Bow to Boat. I can do these well. I'm not good as a boat. I had to put my hands on the backs of my knees to keep my upper body up, but I had no problem keeping my lower body up.
Low Lateral Skaters: My legs drift badly. I stuck it out though and used my finger tips to lift my feel off the ground. I feel like I'll get better with time.
Lunge and Reach: I again used a 5 pound weight. I can definitely go more weight as this was too easy for me at this weight. But it was nice to know I was doing the motions right :)
Prison Cell Push ups: You do a push-up, then bring in a knee, a push up, other knee, a push up, stand up and then repeat. I did 6 of these and was DONE. WHEW their hard!
Side Hip Raises: I did ten on each side. These are super hard for me and hurt my lower back. I need to work on my core and tightening my glutes. I think that will help.
Squat X Press; I liked this one. Again 5 pound weights and I know I got the formation right (which is just as important) I was able to complete them all and stay in sync with the T.V. good workout.
Plank to Chaturanga Run: NOPE. I had to modify big time. I'm still to big. I can plan no problem so I planked and ran in place for 10 seconds then when they went to chaturanga run I just stayed in an isolated plank and then repeated the plank run when they went back to plank. I broke plank twice. Core City!!
Walking Push ups: Not bad but named wrong. You are more of a walking plank. You walk up for four and back for four. You hold tight into the frame (using your core) and keep it solid. I tumbled twice.
Superman/Banana: I sucked but stuck it out. I did them all and sweat dripped off my face onto my floor and mat. I can do superman great but banana is a work in progress.
Lunge-Kickback-Curl-Press. I feel confident and good about these. They even felt good to do. I think another time through with 5 pound weights and I'll definitely be ready to move up to 8s or 10s :)
Towel Hopping: I just did the step over. I didn't hop but I stayed with them all the way!!
Reach High and Under Push ups. I did these all the way through. I tumbled twice but kept going. These are HARD. No joke. Be prepared to feel it in your upper arms and core. Its a great workout.
Steam Engine: I'm a little slow on this, but over time I'll succeed!
The Dreya Roll: I had to create a modification to get off the floor. I crossed my legs into an X to stand up. It helps. I know as I build core strength I'll be able to stand up straight from the roll. Right now the modification is a necessity to be able to do any of this workout.
Next was the BONUS. I chose to skip through it and move into the cool down. The bonus is only 4 minutes it contains and isolated plank to Chaturanga run, and  a workout called the Halfback then table dip leg raise before entering into the cool down. The cool down repeats most of the warm up exercises but no jumping jacks or jogging in place. Instead you "stir the pot" with your arms and that's it. Workout without the bonus is 55 minutes and I burned 321 calories. Not bad for a beginner who can't complete everything as fluidly as those people in the video. I feel good about this workout and can't wait to report on tomorrow's disk!
This is what I used during this workout. Whew I really needed that towel!

I actually took this picture after I finished, but wanted ya to see I was REALLY doing it :)

Calories and time recorded on my Polar FT4 :)

Well I hope you enjoyed the post. If you've done P90X please stop by and tell me all about it!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

I've tried it all now what.....

I know its been a while since I've blogged.
I'm a crazy person I guess. I'll blog and blog then disappear.
Well I'm that hot and cold when it comes to fitness and food as well.

I'm to the point where I keep gaining back the same 13lbs (meaning I'm losing them too LOL)
So this morning when I had gained 1.2 lbs I was bummed.
But guess what I didn't workout for two days. I didn't eat healthy for two days. Why? Well I had a wedding in the middle of the afternoon on Saturday and yesterday we took my husband out for his father's day lunch.
Excuses excuses. Notice how each of those things affected 1 meal time yet I blew TWO full days.
This blog is on accountability. Getting back to the basics. Focusing on what worked and looking over that. I at first wanted a perfect eating week, a perfect fitness week, and to drop 5 pounds that same week. The more I realize how unrealistic I've been to myself, is the more I realized I am why I have caused myself to play with those 13 lbs. So what have I tried to get rid of it, YOU NAME IT. I've tried a ton of Beach Body workouts (that I love), running (that I love), and dieting (that I hate) through weight watchers, myfitnesspal,, ect. I've tried it and I successfully lost 35 pounds. But what about these 13. Why am I gaining?
Well I can't consistently complete a beach body workout. Why?
1. I don't schedule my workouts.
 2. I don't force myself to be commited when I'm to tired or somebody else wants to do something else, or we have a visitior over ect....
3. I start off strong but when it hurts I quit.... This is a truth here. I get an ache or a pain I convince myself that the program is too hard for me and  I'm not ready to do it.
Well I can't consistently diet. Why?
1. I don't meal plan (I don't set aside the time to research healthy meals and even when I buy healthy food I can't quite prepare them in good ways ugh)
2. If there is healthy food in the house, you'll eat healthy food. WRONG. I just go out to eat. Yep I said it. I like to eat out.
3. If the kids can have cookies, chips, and chocolate, why can't I.

So these are the things holding me back. Do I have a plan? Will I make it past these?
Well its Monday. Isn't Monday the most common start over day? YEP.
Yes I have a plan. Today I plan to clean up my fridge and pantry. Make a list of what healthy ingredients I have in my house and look up recipes that contain these items. THEN I plan to make a grocery list of items I need to make 6 healthy suppers. I always eat eggs for breakfast. I plan to boil eggs and create breakfast "trays" that I can microwave on the go. AS for lunch. This one is a toughy. I normally eat left overs or sandwiches. I believe I'll stick with leftovers. I have to keep lunch meats in the house for my husbands lunch. I've got a trick up my sleeve for that one (I think) that I'll tell you about later.

Now for the fitness. Currently I am struggling because if I workout I break out in hives if I don't the hives stay away. it  has been suggested that I just don't workout for a few weeks until the "situation" is healed and I no longer have to medicate for it.
Here's the deal, will the hives hurt me? NO. However they do itch and cause me to be crankier which means head for bad foods. How can I keep the hives at bay and still workout.
Well it depends on how HOT I get in a workout.
So get up earlier (when its cooler) Will be one of my goals.
walk more than jog for this week only. Do more miles to make up the difference.
So I'm not going to kill it in the fitness area THIS WEEK.

And that brings me to my final step here.
I can only do this if I break it down into small easy to accomplish goals and plans.
I plan to do this weekly. What is scheduled for next week will be done next Sunday on my off day.
This week.
Monday: Schedule workouts, plan groceries and make them both work until Sunday.
Goal: To lose 2 pounds by Sunday and to feel like I'm getting back on track.
I can't ask more of myself right now.
I need to be strong in the food department. Eat healthy, track everything, be prepared. And be HAPPY. God bless. Hope this post helps you realize we all fall off the wagon for a little bit :)