Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I took a break and am bouncing back!!

Yep I did. I took a break. At first it started with diet. I struggled to keep my diet up when eating out 3 or 4 times a week because of various track meets my daughter had. I seemed to not make it home before 10pm either and that is when the workouts started slipping. For the first two weeks I worked out 3 days a week. Then it went to NOTHING! And you no what I don't feel bad about it. I focused on my family rather than myself. Yes I need to learn to combined the two and not slip like I did here. I slipped for about 6 weeks. I planned to start back two weeks sooner than I did but caught a really bad sickness that started in my sinus cavity and slid into my lungs. It took a week of medication to get it back into my head then another few days to get it gone completely. I started on Friday (5/17)
with my zombie runner. I am training again for my next 5k. Since then I haven't missed a beat. I ran Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and yesterday. Yesterday I also started Turbo Fire again.
Today I'll add in Chalean Extreme.

I do not feel any pressure here. If I decide it is too much one day I'll just take something out. But the point is, DON'T GIVE UP!! No matter how long its been since you worked out. No matter your reasons for quitting at first, come back to working out. Its important.

Food, Just important. But that one has always been my achille's heel.
Here are a few foods I recently cooked:
Avacado stuffed Tuna Salad
1 avacado (halved)
1 can tuna (in water) drained
1 tomato (half diced for in the tun and half sliced for on the plates)
1 large cucumber (sliced like a pickle
2 boiled eggs
2 cups spinach.
Mix the tuna like you normally would, add the tomato and a little bit of the cucumber. Cut up and add the boiled eggs. Dip out the inside of the avacado and add it to the tuna mixture. Then stuff it back inside the tuna.
I then laid it on a bed of spinach and added a bit more tuna (this is enough to serve 3 people)
Then I added some fat free italian dressing over the top (you could go without the dressing)
My daughter added ranch on hers. It was VERY tasty.
Tilapia with salsa and veggies
This is a 6 oz portion of Tilapia baked topped with black bean and corn salsa. Some left over slices of tomato and some squash/zucchini/and green beans mixed.
I ate this up in a  matter of seconds it seemed like. YUM O.
But I will warn you, it wasn't very filling. I definitely wanted seconds. Needs something else to make it stick to your ribs (any suggestions?)
So today I've got a lot to do, just wanted to let you know I wasn't dead. I also plan to add some other non fitness related items to the mix. I plan to do some product reviews for you (and myself to remember what products I absolutely love), a few refashions are coming up, and some clean outs!
Have a great day!!!